At last, it had stopped raining and now that we are in BST there was just enough light for our first pre-meeting club night ride out. Although it was a bit chilly, 10 hardy souls decide to risk it and we set off on a semi familiar route. We had to abandon our first idea of a route, as a recon a few days before showed the road had multiple potholes, covered with water, gravel, mud, which are not the best conditions for 2 wheels – but becoming an all too familiar condition. We set off and after about 30 minutes we all arrived back at The Cricketers for drinks and chips.
Post Ride Out
We had 3 apologies: Peter, Shaun and Reg were unavailable and sent their apologies. But still a great turn out of 30 members and 2 guests.
The April meeting was quite a milestone for the club, as we agreed to switch over to a yearly subscription. After circulating the idea a few months earlier and receiving lots of positive feedback we informed all members of this change and April would become Yearly Subs Month. Making change is always difficult but we believe this would be in the best interest of the club and its members. And to also mark this new era in the Club all members receive a membership card, which we will see if any local businesses would be generous enough to offer us some discount and presentation of their membership card.
Membership Card
A few weeks back I met - purely by accident - Kevin O’Brien of the South Essex Section and since then we have exchanged a few mails on perhaps some joint ventures. Having discussed this at the Club Night, we agreed this could be beneficial to both sections so Kevin and I will discuss further.
We agreed that the birthday announcements would be reduced further and now only send a physical card on a special birthday.
The Pre65 event at Marks Tey appeared have been a success, apparently the course wasn’t that bad – considering the weather of late. However, Steve Toy advised that any Green Laneing would be a challenge but if anyone was interested, he would see what he could do.
Spring and Summer are on their way so hopefully we can get out on the bikes more (ride out volunteer leads always welcome) so keep a eye on the Emails, WhatsApp and WebSite/Facebook pages for any updates.