The meeting had a good turn out of 22 members and 5 guests. All looking forward for the rides outs to start. Hopefully - weather permitting - we can have a pre-meeting ride out in April.


Public Liability Insurance

Over the past few years, we have been an affiliated member of the BMF to gain access to their Public Liability Insurance. However, at cost of £160, this far exceeded our needs and budget. We have now obtained PLI from Hiscox at a cost of £89.60, which started on the 1st March. A nice little saving.


Birthday Cards

After a review of the cost and the increase that we have seen to postage and card, it has now become the highest spend to club finances. To make the most of the sub’s we collect, we will stop the sending of physical cards, unless it is a special Birthday and use the Email/WhatsApp/Facebook to announce to all other birthday events. We will then look to use the sub’s to help with club events throughout the year.

Proposal was accepted and we will hence forth be following this approach for members Birthdays.


Yearly Subscription

As per the email sent out last week, we are looking at changing over to a yearly subscription. The cost will be maintained at £1 per month * 12 = £12. This is a very common approach that a lot clubs take and it will enable the finances to balance and again we can look to inject money into Club events. However, this is a suggestion and we would like everyone's input.

General agreement was voiced, however we will wait a week before making a final decision to enable members to communicate any concerns.


AJS and Matchless Spares Offer based in Chelmsford. If anyone is interested I can supply the mobile number of the gentleman with the spares


Trip – Sammy Miller

As we are likely not to be able to fill a 53 Seater, I have spoken to Mike Fey and asked if the CCMC would like to join us in the venture. This would reduce the cost per head to a reasonable amount if we fill all 53 seats.

Will be put on hold until later in the year.


Pre 65 – Julian Smith

Due to Maylandsea being under water (joke) the event has been moved to Marks Tey on March 31st. Usual offer of a free lunch and £40 in your pocket for helpers.