The meeting kicked off at 20:00 after approx. an hour of the usual Club member banter and for the first time Myself, Caroline and Kim took the full responsibility for running the meeting.
We had 20 members and 2 guests for the February meeting, which was a good turnout considering snow was forecast. There were 4 apologies for absence: Peter Roberts (sunning himself in Lanzarote), Peter Bugg who was on Shift, Kevin Lee and Peter Warren. Peter Warren is recovering from a medical procedure and we wish him a speedy recovery and looking forward to seeing him again very soon.
We had one further presentation to make as the recipient was unable to attend the Christmas Dinner. The award went to George Clark for his Exceptional Commitment to the Club. George has played a pivotal role in supporting Colin and the late Gordon Levett in the running of the club. And in typically modest style he accepted it as a dedication to Gordon.

As we did last year, we are looking to do the same this year, with an annual Coach trip. We have set our sights on the Sammy Millar Museum in Hampshire ( There was significant interest from the members when asked, so we will cost up the price of the trip and communicate out. Dates that are being considered are the 6th and 13th July.
Additionally, Julian is looking at the cost of hiring a Minibus for a trip to the next Kempton Park Autojumble – 9th March. If anyone is interesting in sharing the cost, let Myself, Caroline, Kim or Julian know so he can check on how big a Seater he can get/needs.
No Green Lane’ing is planned as the treks are completely sodden after all the rain and there were some mumblings about the 4x4 brigade causing the lanes to be so rutted to almost making them unusable for bikes.
The first 2024 Pre-65 event is on 31st March- in Maylandsea, so if anyone fancies a free lunch and getting dirty, please speak to Julian and he can provide any detail required. Julian also advised that there is a Classic Trial event on the 18th Feb – if anyone is interested.
Lastly, as the weather and light is still not good enough Pre meeting rides will probably start in April. However, as there is the occasional day in the Week or Weekend when the weather is holding off, if anyone would like to lead a ride out let me know or use the WhatsApp group to advise the Members.