It’s been quite an eventful month for the club. We managed to get a pre-meeting ride out despite localised rain fall that stopped several members from getting their bikes out. Shaun took us on one of his ad hoc mystery tours around Boxted and Langham. It still amazes me how each time we go out I find us on roads I never knew existed. Who knew there were that many hills in and around Colchester.

3 of the Club members went to the Isle of Man Manx GP and sent some cracking pictures of their holiday. Unfortunately, there was a minor breakdown of one of the bikes but nothing serious.

Bernie finally got his knee operation and although there was a potential for infection all seems to be going well, hopefully he will be up and running very soon. Who knows, he may even get back to riding.

The Gordon Levett memorial ride out took place on the 31st Aug to Shotley Marina. Thanks to Shaun Parker for arranging and leading. The weather held out and despite the Shotley Arms not doing food we did manage some Tea and Cake. A few of us then went onto the Jubilee Café in Ardleigh for a spot of Lunch. 9 Bikes in total (including Shaun’s Dad) took part. This will be a yearly event around the same date each year. Gordon was a lovely fella and he played a big part in running the club, his departure was all too quick.

The Sammy Miller trip will still take place on the 19th Oct but has been scaled down. We couldn’t get enough people to fill a Coach and make it financially viable. But thanks to Kym Stroud stepping in and volunteering to drive a Minibus the trip will take place. Unfortunately, with only 17 Seats, we won’t be able to make this a combined trip with the South Essex section. However, there is always next year when we will organise another adventure.

I know it’s early to mention the C word, but we have booked our Club Christmas and Annual awards at the Cricketers. This will take place on Jan 8th. With December being a busy time for everyone and it’s nice to have something in Jan to look forward to.