We last all met on the 8th Jan for our Christmas meal and that seems like a very long time ago. This grey drizzle appears to have been hanging over us for an extended period, which feels like a long time since being able to ride the bikes. The good news is that the days are finally starting to get longer and hopefully brighter. The Feb club night was attended by 22 members, which was pretty good, 3 of which were guests. One of which was from Mersea Island. This location seems to be rich pickings for the club having already got several from that location. There were 5 apologies: Paul, Kim, Colin, Ian and Brian and we look forward to seeing them in March. 2 club members had milestone birthdays, Ian Wentworth was 50 and Jacobus Wells was 70. Congrats to them both on their special day.  We still have 1 Club award to present, we will do separately as the winner has been busy moving house.


A new year brings the chance of another Coach trip. I have suggested couple of options: The Triumph Factory Tour (Factory Experience)  or the Crich Tramway Village Motorcycle Day . We are collecting ideas from members but are looking to organise the event in July, rather than later in the year, to give us a Summer and Winter event. Next meeting is on March 5th, where we hope to finalise and start to arrange the coach. Let’s hope for dryer weather soon.