It actually felt like summer had arrived, apart the nights seem to be drawing closer. Arriving at the Cricketers a little earlier, we were discussing with the few that were already there whether many members would turn up for the ride out. It has been quite a busy time with shows and events, but to our amazement bike after bike started to arrive, the “sound of thunder” seemed to continue for a considerable time as wave after wave pulled into the car park. At nearly 19:00 there were 21 bikes parked at the Cricketers, with most ready to ride out. Before setting off Shaun gave us all a good talking to and explained that anyone who did not follow the drop off system would be fined £10 into the club funds. This seemed to work as the ride was flawless, there were no lost souls except yours truly who missed the first turning off the roundabout – thanks Kevin ( Tailend Charlie) for your patience. 16 bikes and 17 people took to the roads and breaking the rules Shaun took us on the A12 to get to a new route he had devised, which was well worth the effort. There was something for everyone, Green Lanes, Gravel, Horses, Tractors, more left and right turns than previous outings. It was brilliant and we all congratulated Shaun on a job well done.

I gave my usual address of events that had taken place recently. The Hadleigh Club 40th anniversary was attended by 8 Club members. We started off with 8 and within 100 yards were down to 7, David decided he needed another bike so went home to change. He did arrive later, on another of his vehicles so all good in the end. The event was well attended by many motorcycles and other clubs, which is testament to their popularity and the camaraderie of the biking community. The BikeMeet at the Power Museum was also well attended, spots of rain on route but once there the sun came out and it turned into a lovely afternoon. Not that many trade stands and no burger van, much to my disappointment as I was looking forward to a bacon roll.

We are still gaining in numbers for the Sammy Miller Museum coach trip on the 19th Oct, this being a joint venture with the South Essex section. We have also had interest from other motorcycle clubs in the area who would like to join the trip – more the merrier I say.

On the 31st Aug the Club will have a ride out to Shotley Marina as a memorial tribute to the late Gordon Levett. Gordon was an active member of the club who we sadly lost in May of last year. He was one of the main stays of the club and we do miss his presence.