Again, the weather held out for Club night, a bit cold but the sun was shining.  As we arrived at the Cricketers there was already several bikes there ready for the ride out.  Shaun took control and emphasised that the drop of system would apply as usual – as we always need reminding. We set off with 20 bikes (13 modern and 7 classics) in procession, heading off towards Copford, passing our old haunt of The Alma and beyond. The drop off system was working well, however, 2/3 into the ride we lost several members. After several minutes we decide to set off back to the pub, expecting that the missing will have done the same. Unfortunately, we discovered that one of the members had taken a tumble having caught his wheel in a rut in the road.  The bike was not too bad, but he was obviously in some pain. We later found he had damaged his ankle and sprained his thumb. I also had some problems with my G9, which I have also now discovered has lost all compression on the righthand cylinder, but the old dear got myself and Caroline home.

With Club night started we had a few items on the agenda. Shaun advised – after some negotiation - that the Gordon Levett tribute ride out will take place on the 31st Aug with route to be agreed. If anyone wants to take part, they will be more than welcome. Paul has also organised a Fish and Chip run for next Thursday (13th June) leaving the Cricketers at 18:30, so don’t be late or you will miss your supper. The only other topic we had for Club night was the future Sammy Miller Trip. We are now collecting deposits and numbers are looking good and as we are sharing the trip with the South Essex section it will be a good opportunity to join forces and compare notes and perhaps create partnerships for other ventures. Again, friends and family are welcome, the 53-seater coach has plenty of room, the more the merrier. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer, lets hope it warms up a bit.